Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Evernote to - it actually works!

The idea was from here:

For somebody who doesn't want to click the link - the idea was simple & quick. You just create a new note on Evernote, right-click on it and select "Share->Send By Email". Whom to email? Also simple - you may setup "blog import email" on your blog. supports it and works excellently. If you use one of other blogs which support this feature, I bet you will like that too. Conveniently, Evernote remembers the last exported email address so I don't even have to remember the "blog import email". 

I love this because I use Evernote all the time so that I don't have to open anything else to post blog articles. e.g. editor. In addition, finally I can stay in which supports AdSense! 

Photos are posted as well - this is really great!!! How quick, how easy. 

The only downside I can think of now is I can't edit existing posts. But that's fine - it's not that painful to modify/erase posts on's dashboard. If the expected change is too huge, I can just remove the old post (if there is no comment) and post a new one. 

Sent from Evernote

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